Gene T. Parker, III
Higher Education Scholar
Faculty, University of Kansas
Diversity. Organizations. Leadership. College Impact.
Twitter: @GeneTParkerIII
LinkedIn: Eugene-T-Parker
Classic Title
Diversity. Organizations. Leadership. College Impact.
Scholarly Expertise
College Impact
This method of inquiry has examined how varying experiences in college affect student outcomes. Research has also centered on the campus racial climate and students’ perceptions of the college environment.
Example: The relationship between student-faculty interactions and a host of cognitive and psychosocial college outcomes.
DIversity Experiences and Climate
Research that focuses on diversity experiences while in college for students, faculty, and staff, as well as strategic diversity leadership. Other research has examined racial privilege and how students engage with difficult dialogues.
Example: Exploring senior diversity leadership and the establishment of chief diversity offices at colleges and universities.
Organizational Behavior, Structures & Administration
Studies that investigate the sociology of organizations, particularly colleges and universities. Considerations and application of organizational theoretical frameworks to higher education.
Example: Recent work has focused on work behaviors and attitudes of higher education professionals.
Diversity Leadership
Research centering on diversity, culturally responsive and inclusiveleadership.
Collaborating. Partnering. Advising. Speaking.
I welcome opportunities to collaborate, partner, advise and speak with leaders, stakeholders, and institutional members at colleges, universities, non-profit organizations, and businesses.
Available services comprise presentations, lectures, trainings on the following topics:
Leadership and Diversity Leadership at Colleges and Universities
Diversity in Higher Education
Facilitating Difficult Dialogues
Promoting Culturally Engaging Student-Faculty Engagement
Particular expertise focuses on diversity and cultural competence for:
Entry/mid level higher education professionals
Academic department chairs
Student leaders
Search committee
Contact Info for Potential Partnering and/or Consulting:
Gene T. Parker, III
(773) 426-1915 (call or text)
Twitter: @GeneTParkerIII